d.school starter kit


Continuing the introduction to the tools and instruments of design thinking, this presentation outlines an online curriculum for facilitators of design thinking processes, complementing previous
preliminary and general resources on the topic.

Developed by the experts of the Stanford d.school, it is made for people who want to introduce design to students in their classes or colleagues in their workplace. These facilitators are the “lead learners”, as they guide others in learning about design thinking. They are assisted by two d.school instructors – Laura McBain and Louie Montoya – through informative and instructional videos, adapted to be delivered over Zoom.
This online intro to design supports leads learners in exposing others to a medley of design abilities, methods, and mindsets. It guides to the discovery of what design looks like in the real world, as well as to ‘what design is’ by doing partner activities and discussions. In three hours it will be possible to learn over 20 concepts and tools that will help apply human-centered design. Participants will acquire mindsets, abilities and methods that will influence their work.