What's Artmetric?
Artsmetric is a free digital benchmarking platform for arts and cultural organisations to learn from their peers. It allows you to get an overview of your organisation, track it and compare it with other organisations. Moreover, it allows you to find new partners across Europe. Artsmetric also contains selected resources for arts and cultural managers on themes such as arts business models, urban regenerations, leadership, etc. And we are constantly looking for new resources to add.
What's benchmarking?
Benchmarking is a process of comparing organisations and identifying good practices in a particular sector or area of operation. It involves identifying what is important to measure, collecting the data and sharing it with similar organisations. Benchmarking enables continuous learning and improvement. And it contributes to nurturing the innovation culture of your organisation. Additionally, benchmarking helps analysing sectoral trends.
For whom is Artsmetric?
Artsmetric has primarily been designed for managers of building-based cultural organisations, such as cultural centres, creative hubs, theatres, etc.

Who's behind
Artsmetric has been designed and developed within two projects co-financed by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission.
Two organisations are currently managing Artsmetric: the European network of non-governmental cultural centres Trans Europe Halles (Sweden) and Creative Industry Kosice (Slovakia).
guides us?
Vision | More sustainable arts and cultural organisations for a greater social impact.
Mission | To empower leaders of cultural and creative spaces to make smarter decisions through evidence-based tools, resources and insights.