Caterham Barracks


When the barracks closed in 1995, demolition of the historical buildings and construction of high- and middle-income housing was the obvious option for private developers. However, cooperation between local residents and one private developer enabled the generation and implementation of strategies for sustainable community-driven regeneration as well as the preservation of the area’s character.
As interactions strengthened, the Local Group was formed. Composed of representatives from different community groups, officers and councillors of the District and members of the Caterham Residents’ Association, the coordinated the discussions between community and the District Council. Eventually, the Local Group transformed into the Caterham Barracks Community Trust, to which the assets, land and community facilities were transferred.
In this way, the Trust used its funds for economic, social, educational, cultural and sports facilities; the Trust has become an exemplary model for community-led regeneration as it provides both the flexibility and legal capacity to evolve in response to the needs of the community.